About us

Why use a broker?

Most of us have been trained, by advertising, to believe that those that offer car and house insurance on TV, in magazines, and on billboards are less expensive due to the middleman (the broker) being cut out.

What many clients don’t understand is that they are dealing directly with the insurer who is offering them one product. Insurers pay brokers to bring them business unless they spend that same money on advertising to bring them clients. So cutting out the middleman doesn’t necessarily save any costs.

When it comes to claiming, clients need to deal directly with the insurer, usually via a call center. A client thus needs to represent themselves against an insurer.

We have been recommending a variety of options to clients for over 30 years and fighting for them at the claims stage. You wouldn’t go to court without a lawyer, would you? That’s why we believe you shouldn’t deal with insurers without a broker.

Our dedicated team specializes in customizing solutions to meet each customer’s unique requirements

+263 29 2230 093

Why use a SATIB broker?

Insurance products

  • Farming and engineering
  • Business and cyber security
  • Bonds and guarantees 
  • Construction bonds

  • Claims workshops
    We will give free training to your personnel handling insurance matters through our insurance awareness and claims workshops
  • One-stop-shop
    With SATIB, you have a one-stop risk solutions provider including general insurance, medical, and health insurance
  • Innovation and growth
    Innovative and customized risk through industry-leading global resources, we can grow your business beyond the Zimbabwean borders
  • SATIB trust
    We are serious about conservation and giving back to the communities in which we operate



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